I started this monthly blog back in December 2020 with the goal of creating a space where you could easily find out “what’s Steve up to.” A place to keep track of upcoming conventions, lectures, and new product launches. I also hoped it might serve as a subtle way to promote our work, but I’ve realized it’s not the most effective method for advertising or marketing. It’s probably best left as a simple chronicle of things related to stevemyersmagic. With that in mind, I’m featuring my main squeeze, as usual, and I’d like to share a few thoughts about him.
It's important to mention the photo below is from today, a Saturday morning, where you will usually find him. He makes me a cup of coffee every morning. Occasionally, he may be under the weather and I handle coffee duty, but generally this is the routine and it's important to him. He says "if anyone is going to make my wife a cup of coffee in the morning, it's gonna be me". He tends to have a pile of work and many lists on his half of the kitchen table. For the last couple of weeks he has been molding both varieties of ice cream bars, 4" lit, 4" unlit, 5 1/2" lit, 5 1/2" unlit, and fat ash cigars, and in between he is painting various stages of tommy knots bits and pieces. There are also eggs on the table in their early stage of processing. Based on the photo I can see he recently mixed up a batch of the turnip color to prepare for the next run, whenever that happens. There's also a couple special projects happening in the workshop, weather permitting. He is here, at this table every day. ALL days. If you see something out of stock on our website and you think he is slacking please come back here and look at this picture and know he is working! The etsy shop messages, and emails, and text line have been going off constantly -- keeping me very busy! We are gearing up for the final Winter Carnival of Magic in Pigeon Forge Tenn, March 6-8, 2025. It is their 50th and final convention. We're so glad to be a part of their finale! Hope to see you there! GO here for all the info: https://www.ibmring58.com/. Check out this List of Dealers for 2025: SWC Magic Trick Supply Jam Stone Magic Steve Myers Magic A-Z Magic – Hatboro, PA Patt’s Mats Fairchild Magic Tim Pressley Products Don’s Magic and Books Antony Gerard Magic Denny’s Magic Showroom Tom Yurasits Productions Michael Lair Magic Morgan Magic Lab John Henry Magic Paul Richards Magic LOSANDER SEO Magic Brent Braun – J and B Magic Shop SAM – Convention
November and December 2024, I took a bit of a break from my magic blog to focus on other projects, like reorganizing my tiny home office to create space for product storage! My Mac and my iPhone both decided to quit on me at the same time, so I fired Apple! After getting a new phone and computer, I’m finally starting to get everything back on track. Android, it's good to be back. Hopefully by Feb 1, I will be able to offer a solid update of stock and availability of cigars, eggs, purses and all other things that ran low while Steve was doing the ho-ho-ho thing!
Here's Steve's latest read! Last year, we made the difficult decision to discontinue international shipping.
Unfortunately, we've encountered too many issues with direct international shipments to continue offering this service. As a small homegrown proprietor we don’t have access to the bulk shipping discounts that large dealers do. We’re just a small mom-and-pop shop, creating everything ourselves—no customer service department, no shipping department, no procurement team—just me and Steve handling everything. The materials we use for our products are costly, and the niche items we create require a lot of time to produce. As a result, the profit margin is quite slim. Because of this, we do not engage in wholesale. Wholesale typically benefits businesses that mass-produce or offer low-cost items, which is not the case for us. In essence, we're not dealers in the way that most magicians envision. To give you an idea of the international shipping challenges, here is an example. A customer orders two cigars and one Malini egg for $72 and asks about shipping costs. I quote them $22 for First-Class shipping, and they pay a total of $94. Fast forward three weeks, and the customer emails to say the package is missing. The issue here is that First-Class packages don’t come with insurance, so we’re left to cover the cost. We ask the customer to wait, hoping the package will turn up, but two weeks later, they’re frustrated and demanding a resolution. Now we’re faced with two choices: either refund the full amount and lose the shipping cost, packaging, and the product, or reship the items at our own expense. Either way, it’s a financial hit for us. Some might argue this is just part of doing business, but as a small maker, we simply can't absorb these costs anymore. For a time, we did try offering international Priority Mail shipping only, since it comes with insurance, but the cost often outweighs the value for many of our customers. Most buyers aren’t spending enough to justify that higher shipping cost. Many international buyers want us to value their items much lower so they pay less at customs, but unfortunately that is against the law, as well as more trouble if the package goes missing. In which case the customer wants to be refunded the full amount but we cannot get back more than the stated value. If we were a larger operation like Murphy’s, or Penguin this would be a different story. But as a small, handmade business, we need to protect ourselves from these risks to stay sustainable. Finally, and I mean this with the utmost sincerity - We live in Salisbury, Maryland. America. That is where our hand made goods are. If you want them, you will find a way to make it happen. We recommend the international shipping services of SHIPITO. No October surprises—at least not of the political kind, but plenty of magical ones! The CIGAR-ette is on sale, Lippincott's are in stock, and Steve is back to work! His carpal tunnel surgery on his right hand was a success, and he's gradually getting back to his creative groove. While he’s not fully back to top speed just yet, he’s making great progress—and fingers crossed, he’ll be ready for a successful left-hand surgery next year! We can’t thank you enough for all your well wishes. Looking ahead, we’ll be attending the Super Sunday 1 Day Magic Convention in Bensalem, PA, on November 10th. This one-day event, formerly known as Bob Littles, will be packed from morning to night with magic lectures, sales, auctions, and, of course, the amazing sense of magical camaraderie we all cherish. We will have limited numbers of Malini egg bags and Devil's Hanks expertly made by the talented Jonathan Neal. We also have a very limited number of the classy pin dot design bags, made exclusively for us with a vintage material, no longer available. We will also have a handful of snazzy Devil's Hanks available. Stop by and ask Steve for a demo, and don't miss the video below! Super Sunday, November 10th, 2024, The Hampton Inn, 3660 Street Road, Bensalem, PA 19020 Doors open and Registration starts at 9:30 a.m. $45 per person Lastly, as many of you know, I started a GoFundMe campaign to help Michael Kaminskas, who has been struggling with serious health issues. After battling double lung pneumonia six months ago, Mike was recently hospitalized and diagnosed with heart failure. With mounting medical bills and the inability to work, it’s been a difficult time for him—and maintaining a stress-free environment is crucial during this challenging period. Thanks to the incredible generosity of so many, the response to the GoFundMe has been wonderful, and we are deeply grateful for all the support. If you'd like to help further, you can also support Mike by purchasing from his website. Please see the button below to purchase available products from him directly. ![]() Very limited availability of the exquisite pin dot fabric Malini egg bag made exclusively for us by Jonathan Neal. For My Birthday, we have a guest writer for Jen's Blog! Here's Steve: What is a magic shop? Generally speaking, a magic shop is where you buy magic supplies. In that sense we are a magic shop, but we aren't your typical "magic shop." We pride ourselves on offering high-quality, handcrafted magic supplies rather than mass-produced items. We focus on providing premium, custom-made tools designed for professional magicians. It is a huge benefit that I spent 30 years of my life as an entertainer, professional magician, and demo man in magic shops. I know what problems exist out there. I know cheap magic. I know luxury magic. Unlike regular magic suppliers, we do not wholesale or carry bulk-produced products. Instead, we specialize in small-batch, hand-made magic items that cater to discerning magicians seeking one-of-a-kind items. I determine what those items will be based on what I'm interested in challenging myself to do at the moment. On occasion I make something that is simply a labor of love. I make nothing on it financially but it makes me happy to provide it. Sometimes, certain items are popular enough, I will keep on making them like a living breathing Steve Myers production machine, which is not healthy for someone like me. I don't care for mass production. This is partially why we have been shrinking our line to offer only the top sellers. I cannot keep up with 60+ items in the line, offer custom work, and continue my efforts to broaden my skills and artistic needs by developing new or fun (to me) things. There is a blurry line between my hobbies and my work, and Jen tries her best to keep me straight! Often we're asked, "If I buy two of these, can you give me a deal?" and "Is this the best price you can do?" It can be frustrating since I'm not trying to sells things that I've purchased in bulk from China for pennies on the dollar. Everything we carry is handmade, one at a time. If we make one cigar, or we make ten cigars, they all take the same amount of time, energy, and money to produce by us. I think our prices are very reasonable for hand-made goods. Jen has done plenty of comp work to determine the price points, and I'm comfortable with what we are asking for everything in the SMM line. I have a handwritten receipt for a John Rogers handcrafted super droopy cigarette that cost $36 shipped, from 20 years ago! That was John's cost. That was what he needed to get paid for his time, money, and expertise. And you know what? I never questioned it. I wanted it, and when I could afford it, I paid for it. Of course I would have been happier to pay $12, but it was ART. Where else would I get a John Rogers Super Droopy? I wish more magicians could understand how much effort is made by two people who are just trying to bring something to the magic table that we think will benefit magicians greatly. The pro's know. For that, I am appreciative. Jen has told me of many messages and well wishes for my upcoming carpal tunnel procedure. Surgery is Thursday! Planning to get right back to it in no time! -Steve We wanted to update you on Steve’s upcoming surgery. After 50 years of performing, banjo and guitar playing, 23 years of Haunted House work, and countless other creative projects, Steve's hands need some serious care. We’re unsure how long his recovery will take, so some items might be out of stock for a while and custom work will be delayed.
If you encounter out-of-stock items, please email us at [email protected]. Your feedback will help us prioritize what to focus on first. Thank you for your understanding and patience. My training is going quite well, and Steve insists I'm doing great. I've now learned how to make all of our Smokin' Props and sugar cubes. Malini Eggs are my next venture. I have a huge appreciation for the tips and tricks he's sharing with me. Steve endured YEARS of trial and error at who knows what actual expense financially to get to where he is today and neither of us take that for granted. When he shares a tidbit of advice, I listen. It is frustrating to me that so many people think it's so easy to hand-make things. I can assure you that it is not easy. Even when you get it down to a science, mistakes can be made easily. The weather can have an effect. A material may not cure properly even though you know you followed every step precisely. There are so many variables. Shoot, it could be Thursday, and that's why it won't work.
I'm trying my best effort to pull some of the workload off of Steve. Many years of teaching and playing the banjo in a professional capacity combined with 23 years of illusion building for the haunted house have taken a serious toll on his hands. The small, intricate production work involved with maintaining our stock is becoming more than a painful burden on him. Compression gloves, ice packs, hand exercises, braces, custom-made splints, creams, medications, ergonomic assistance, steroids—the list is endless. It is time to have the carpal tunnel surgery. We hope that Steve's time down will be short, but it is unknown how his recovery will go. We appreciate prayers and good thoughts you can offer, and I'll keep working on producing the small items as I can! Updates will be shared as soon as we have them! I've been at it! Thank goodness Steve is an excellent and patient teacher!
New scale. New smock. New brown paper doodles. I do not do cigars well, yet! I'm still learning, and I don't want to break my stride, but it is harder than it looks. I have a newfound appreciation for the work going into Steve's daily operations. Somehow, between my f/t job, household duties, and my p/t job as an order packer at SMM, I busted out over 100 manipulation props! Holy smokes! Now onto finishing that work so I can learn something new! Thanks for the support! Today is a big day in the Myers household!
I'm learning how to make some things! After 5 years of watching Steve work hard on our products, I'm finally ready to give it a try. We all remember how the lathe work went, right? Hoping for better results this time! I'll follow up in the next blog about my success in training! We're at it again. Walnuts. We have revisited the walnuts several times, and set them aside just as many times. They have not been easy to get right and there's been a ton of trial and error. We are trying to get them to where we feel they're ready & acceptable for use in Vernons peripatetic walnuts. We are close! Also in the works - a small run of Tommy Wonder socks, which surprisingly ARE gimmicked and also have been tricky! As soon as Walnuts and socks are available, they will be offered first to the Facebook group, Our Magic; Buy, Sell, Trade & Chat. We will announce via email for any extras leftover. In the meantime -- just keep chugging along! Would you like the world to know how you feel about SMM products? Do you think the Malini egg is the bee's knees? Maybe you want people to know the Final Shot is quite nifty. Perhaps you think more people should be aware of how you utilize our hold out magnet. Send an email to [email protected]. Include your thoughts to share, a photo (clothes on please) and a link to your website. We love to hear about your experiences with SMM products!
We will share here: https://www.stevemyersmagic.com/testimonials.html#/ ![]() Over the last few years many of our customers have asked for a magnetic Malini egg. Steve finally had the time to devote to it. We have tested the new Magnetic Malini Egg with our hold out magnet and Steve is happy with the final product! (SMM HOLD OUT Found here): https://www.stevemyersmagic.com/store/p55/Hold_Out_Magnet.html#/ I cannot express enough, how extremely special it is that Steve takes the time to work through the sometimes frustrating and oftentimes expensive research and development stages to get a working tool in your hands... one that he would use himself! Since Steve isn't beating the pavement performing now, we reached out to a few hard working and respected pros for their opinions on the proof of concept for the Magnetic Malini Egg. After having time to work with the Magnetic Malini Egg Mike Rose, author of Joe Karson – Beyond Zombie by Michael E. Rose, and co-author of Maryland's Ambassador of Magic said, "The Magnetic egg opens up a new world of covert possibilities for egg magic. I love it." Dan Waterman summed up his thoughts with "The Magnetic Egg is a prop that has taken my egg bag routine to another level." And Dave Thomen, of Mr. D's Magic shared his thoughts, "Denny Haney introduced the egg bag to me 20 years ago and it's been a go-to effect for close up and stage. Other than presentation, there hasn't been prop enhancements - Steve's Magnetic Malini Egg makes additional productions, vanishes, and transpositions possible! Denny would buy it for sure." Whatever you want to do with a Magnetic Malini Egg, we hope your creative wheels keep spinning and the magnetic egg helps to eggcelerate your routines! Once more, we must deal with growing expenses. It seems to never ease up! In January, USPS will increase rates again by 5 to 6%. FEDEX is also raising rates. This makes our specials and free shipping deals an even bigger value in 2024!
By making our own simple packaging and labels, we have minimized our packing and shipping expenses. Although many find elegant, personalized packaging appealing, it is quite superfluous in magic. I think what our magic customers desire is a high-quality product, not the packaging it comes in. No consumer has ever complained to me about the use of tissue paper in our packaging rather than those pricy biodegradable peanuts. I understand that a velvet-lined box with 3D gold ribbon printing on it has a use and may be suitable for your TAG Heuer watch, but I don't think it is a wise choice for a tiny Mom and Pop like us. We will keep our packaging simple and cost effective to continue bringing you the maximum savings! Watch for free shipping specials throughout the year! Our favorite time of the year! The Holidays. What's not to love? It is a magical time of giving thanks, family, reflection, God (for many) and love. Take a moment to look around you and really soak in your blessings. Grateful hearts know MANY joys!
Steve will be rockin' around the Christmas tree and very busy making lists and checking 'em twice for the next 5 weeks. Jen will still pack orders and get things out to you on time! Just no custom orders for a while. Reach out to Jen if you have any questions! Many Blessings to you and yours! Nowadays, it seems like before you even finish the last bite of the worst cheesesteak you ever paid $17 for, all it takes is one overcooked fry to set you off, and VOILA, there's a scathing review getting slapped on social media. It is damaging. Small businesses especially feel the financial strain of bad reviews. It seems all businesses, big and small, are expected to provide 100% perfection at all times, as well as the best prices, incomparable customer service, regular sales, 24/7 availability, and the fastest, freest shipping. I know—it doesn't make sense, or does it? FREE isn't always free. There is always a catch somewhere. My favorites are "But wait, there's more" and "Order now and you'll get TWO!" Sometimes bad reviews are warranted, and when something downright egregious occurs, you feel the need to warn others so no one else suffers the misery or financial waste. Unfortunately, bad reviews are way too easy to post. I think you should have to wait a week, then decide if it is still important enough to write a scathing review of a business. Better yet, I suggest contacting the seller or establishment first. I know it can be tiring. Old-fashioned customer service is nearly nonexistent, but on occasion, you do get someone who cares. You never know what they're going through. Someone in their family could have just been diagnosed with cancer. Maybe someone just lost their beloved pet. Sometimes people are struggling just to maintain mental health. You never know. A small act of tolerance and understanding can go a long way.
Many businesses are struggling. Many are overworked and short staffed, and dealing with the public can be very stressful. Not every customer is a peach. If you like to "pay it forward", then consider paying it forward by not leaving a bad review. At Steve Myers Magic, we kindly ask you reach out to us if for any reason you're not able to leave a happy customer review. You never know how your review may help or hurt a business. I myself would rather help than hurt! Much Love! -Jen Myers So it's a date!
Steve's lecture notes are finished and he's ready to lecture! The inaugural lecture will be Tuesday, October 3rd at 7:30 PM and free to all in S.A.M. Assembly 6 & I.B.M. Ring 179. Guest magicians welcome for $10 at the door. Location: 1631 N Main St #4, Hampstead, MD 21074 Steve will be lecturing at several locations in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland - Watch for future announcements! Steve has been practicing magic for nearly 50 years! He's developed his skills through extensive reading, performing, training, and mentorship by some of the best in the magic business!
Coming soon: in its final stages of editing, a comprehensive instructional video by Steve on his handling of the Malini Egg Bag. This won't be your grandpa's Malini Egg Bag instructional video. Steve's handling was filmed with specialty cameras used in studio filming, offering three different angles, including a bird's-eye view! Furthermore, Steve made a customized bag and egg just to be able to give you the best visibility and understanding of what is happening! Looking for the total package? Keep checking back - we will soon offer a COMPLETE PACKAGE to include:
Also coming soon: Steve's Full lecture notes which will include his handling of the Malini Egg Bag. Please take advantage of these items when they become available! Jen & Steve Once again Steve brings a new rubber production item to the line up! The Kaiser Roll has potential for so many one liners! A great sight gag and perfect bizarre rubber production prop!
Remember the old "rock in the shoe" gag? Enter the stage limping and produce a big @ss rock from your shoe! Very compressible foam, and hand made, hand painted by Steve. For just $20 - A simple but funny add on for performers and Emcees! Many magicians have completed our survey on our website. Thank you! we appreciate the time you take to offer your input! So far 65 people have said they would be more likely to purchase from us if we offered a payment plan. It's easier than ever to get what you want! Did you know, we accept credit card payments? VISA, MC, AMEX, Discover, PayPal, Venmo, Apple pay and Google pay too! Many of our items are available for purchase on our ETSY shop, where you can check out with your Etsy gift cards. Also, they offer Klarna Financing and installment options. If you need a payment plan, please consider utilizing the options! PayPal offers a few options for payment plans as well. Buy Now, Pay Later | Pay in 4 or Pay Monthly Options
Another question in our survey is "WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE MORE OF AT STEVE MYERS MAGIC?" <options>*
The other question was "WOULD YOU LIKE STEVE TO OFFER THE FOLLOWING": *<options> ONLINE MAGIC LESSONS MAGIC LECTURES MORE CONVENTION ATTENDANCE Overwhelmingly MAGIC LECTURES was chosen by most participants. As you know, the Magic lecture is comin' soon! Stay tuned! ![]() We are excited to announce Steve is putting the finishing touches on his magic lecture which will be ready in the fall. IBM Ring 50 & Dave Thomen will host the first Steve Myers lecture at Greenmount Station in Hampstead, MD. The date will be posted on our website as soon as we know! Steve's lecture will include his handling of the Malini egg bag routine, cups and balls, as well as some fantastic classic magic effects! Steve will also share recommendations, advice, and stories garnered from over 40 years in magic. But wait there's more! He will incorporate a dealer demo, as well as a Q&A. He will offer "lecture only" deals on products ranging from Malini Egg Bags, Final Fruit, cigars, perfect purses and more! This is sure to be a lecture you don't want to miss! March 26, 2023 It was a beautifully sunny early spring Sunday. We headed to McDaniel College to attend Scott Alexander's memorial. It felt weird to think a memorial was going to be on a stage In a place of entertainment, despite who it was for. Memorials are solemn things. No one laughs. If they do surely it's fake laughing. Everyone I've spoken to has said something similar about the contributions Scott made to magic. How it's a tremendous loss for the magic community and the gaping hole Scott left. Mostly I hear how grateful people feel for what he helped them accomplish. Many relied on his friendship, professional opinions, magic collaborations, advice and mentorship. Scott's heartwarming family videos and photos projected on a big screen on the stage which gave us smiles and really exemplified the deep love Scott had for his family. Keith Stickley, joined by Glenn Edwards and Wayne Gonce, lovingly presented the traditional International Brotherhood of Magicians Broken Wand ceremony. Sentimental guitar interludes by Andrew Goldenhersh were so thoughtful. Scott's friends from various stages of his life presented a performance in remembrance. Joe Romano (Star Wars), Ken Scott (color changing silk and shot production), Steve Myers (Malini egg bag and shot production), Puck (shot production and wishes). Each gave us a little insight of their love for Scott through their magic acts. We cried. We giggled. We laughed. Not fake laughs! Real laughing. Scott would have loved it. His family was kind, and full of grace. He must be beaming with pride from the Heavens! ![]() We are gearing up for another trip to Tennessee! This will be our second time attending Winter Carnival of Magic. Steve has added a few new items to the line up since last year. Chop cup sets of strawberries, cherries and olives, jumbo olives, the corn dog with a bite, and die boxes will be available!
We have high hopes to attend TRICS in North Carolina in November 2023, and MAGIFEST in OHIO in 2024! If you would like to see us at a convention near you, reach out and let us know! Scott Alexander
Final Bow at 52 B. 3-28-70 D. 2-5-23 We are deeply saddened by the sudden loss of our friend, Scott Alexander. In the world of magic there are those special few who have contributed to the art in enormous and profound ways. Scott, always in a constant state of creating, sharing, and giving was an intensely creative and hardworking entertainer. Like Steve, he was a character partly molded from the magic within Denny Haney. All those who hail from the Denny Haney 'school of magic' have a piece of him, and now Scott residing in their hearts and memories. He was always collaborating with us, and cheering us on. We were blessed to have had the opportunity to work with him and will miss the wit, ideas, brainstorming and synergistic results! We will strive to be generous and kind as those were the traits we most admired of Scott. We pray Scott's family, his wife Jenny and their children can find some peace in knowing how much the world loved him. Jen & Steve For now, (hopefully temporarily) we’ve made the decision to discontinue stocking certain Final Fruit. That does not mean you can't get it from us. It just means not all fruit will be readily available.
As of Jan 31, 2023, we will do our absolute best to maintain stock of the Standard lemon, Lime and Clementine. However, the Navel Orange, Liberal lemon, Pumpkin, Apricot, and Potato will be available only by special order and since they will be made to order, may require a two week wait. This seems to be a better option than removing the items from the lineup completely. We’re sorry for the inconvenience, but these are tough times for many. The materials we use to make the fruit have reached an all time high, and are getting more difficult to find. Our regular supplier is now requiring significantly larger minimum purchases, causing a much higher upfront cost to us. We hope this supply issue and the price hikes change soon! Please reach out if you have questions. Jen’s Text line: (302) 497-3115. Thanks for your understanding, and continued support! |
Jen MyersSteve's assistant, BFF, go-to, collaborator, planner, biggest fan, manager, P.R. girl, ride or die... Oh, and wife. Archives
February 2025
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