Magic Journey - Lecture Notes
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Steve's humble beginnings as a young student of magic started, like many others, around the age of ten. His interest and experience grew over the next forty years and included lectures, MC'ing, performing on the road with animals and assistants, ventriloquism, clowning, T.V. appearances, special effects makeup, being a professional Santa, and even operating a haunted house for 23 years! A good friend of Steve's from the "school of Denny Haney", Scott Alexander, said, "Steve Myers is a Renaissance man, a jack of all trades and master of them!"
Steve offers his lecture notes, which include five of his favorite effects refined over the last four decades with input from pros along the way! You will dive into his handling and theory on the Malini Egg Bag, Cups and Balls, Professor's Nightmare, and more. Steve's recommended reading, rules for good magic, tips, hints, and insights on everything from makeup to stage dressing, and the "12 perfect effects" that Steve and his mentor, Denny Haney, thought every magician should master.